Thursday, September 22, 2011

Update #1: No Classes Were Disrupted In The Making Of This Occupation

Update from a friend: "Hi all! Folks are still here holding the building open, having discussions, watching movies, etc. PLEASE COME OVER AND SUPPORT. EAT DINNER HERE, STUDY HERE, MEET PEOPLE. BE HERE AT 10PM WHEN WE WILL NEED THE MOST FORCES. We are on the 1st Floor in the class rooms as well as outside.

Don’t be intimidated by the police, they might be in our halls but we will be ok since we got each other’s backs and they know this. Interestingly, earlier we overheard the police saying that the one thing they do not want students to do is to break out their books and start studying and doing homework! Why are they so afraid of this? We don’t know, but this space is open for you to study. Please do so.

Some info on why Tolman Hall is an appropriate space for us to take and why people have taken it:

-Tolman Hall houses the Department of Education. This is an important symbol of our struggle for free public education for all.

-Tolman Hall currently houses few classes due to seismic retrofitting. Any excuse by the UCPD and UC Administration that our presence here constitutes a disruption of classes is not true. The only disruption would be the UCPD."


  1. I don't understand why you are trying to "reclaim" a space deemed unsafe for students. You act like the university took it away from students by not holding class in it. You want classes to be held in an unsafe place???

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